Bend Oregon
35 home residential project
Redmond Oregon
Cottonwood RV Park
Past big Projects
35 Home Development in Bend, Oregon
Together my brother and I began work in the fall of 2020 on a 35 home residential development in Bend, Oregon. Together we began by dropping trees and clearing the lot for excavation. With the use of dozers, excavators and dump trucks we then flattened the whole 5 acre lot after it had been blasted by a local specialist. With that material we brought in crushers and crushed thousands of yards of 3/4 minus gravel to be stored on sight for a later date. Shortly after, we installed city of Bend approved storm systems for the entire future neighborhood. 3 drywells, catch basins, and manholes we installed on each end and middle of the property. Our next big project was digging all the utility lines for the future homes. We installed city of bend sewer, laid conduit for electric/wifi/cable, and dug the gas lines. Next we moved onto grading the roads and sidewalks for a subcontractor to come in and finish of the roads in a grader.
Cottonwood RV Park
On the north side of Redmond, Oregon is where I began learning how to run heavy equipment in 2017. My family purchased 3 acres with multiple existing structures on it with the goal in mind of creating a brand new RV park from the ground up to serve the Central Oregon community. Together my brother and I took bare land and completely transformed it into a 55 space RV park including sewer, water, and power to each site. All utilities were installed by my brother and I including running irrigation throughout the park to water all the necessary landscaping that we also planted and installed.
And Many other small projects around central Oregon!